Privacy policy

The Achievement Company B.V. Privacy Policy

1. The Achievement Company B.V is a business registered at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce with number  66066131, mail address Groningseweg 1, 2994 LC, Barendrecht , Netherlands. I, Julieta Timane, am the Business Owner. This privacy policy sets out how the company handles your personal information if you’re a client of  The Achievement Company B.V  or a visitor of the The Achievement Company B.V Achieve Career Targets website.

2. When I say ‘ The Achievement Company B.V ’ or ‘I’ it’s because I own and run this business and website.
3. If I say ‘policy’, I’m talking about this privacy policy. It contains the rules for working with me and when using  The Achievement Company B.V ’ services.

The type of personal information Sevenbirds collects

4. I collect certain personal information about my clients as well as the visitors of the  The Achievement Company B.V ’ website.
5. The most common types of information I collect include:

  • First and last name
  • email addresses
  • telephone numbers
  • mail addresses
  • transactional details
  • information you give about yourself during coaching processes (think of personal about yourself and your situation, maybe CV, etc.)
  • information you give about yourself when filling in diagnostic instruments (think of personal characteristics, preferences and traits)
  • information you give about yourself during an assessment center (think of CV and interview)
  • survey responses (e.g. evaluation questionnaire)
  • testimonials about  The Achievement Company B.V
  • IP addresses and other web analytics data

How The Achievement Company B.V collects personal information

6. I collect personal information directly when you provide it to me, through other people (e.g. HR responsible, line manager), or automatically as you navigate through the website.
7. I collect your personal information when you provide it

  • when contacting me regarding my services
  • when agreeing to a training, coaching or assessment contract
  • when working with me during a training or coaching process (one on one, or group coaching programs, workshops)
  • when using diagnostic instruments (e.g. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®, Women’s Power Types Profile)
  • during an assessment center
  • when filling out a survey
  • when sending me an email, letter, short message, etc.

How The Achievement Company B.V uses personal information

8. I use your personal information:

  • to fulfil the contract I have with you and/or your company and to deliver the related services
  • where this is necessary for purposes which are in  The Achievement Company B.V’s legitimate interests. These interests include:
    – providing you with services described on  The Achievement Company B.V’s website
    – managing my relationship with you, e.g. by responding to your comments or queries submitted to me per email or asking for your feedback
    – managing The Achievement Company B.V’s legal and operational affairs
    – improving The Achievement Company B.V’s  services
    – providing general administrative and performance functions and activities
    – operating The Achievement Company B.V’s website
  • for purposes which are required by law
  • for responding to requests by government, a court of law, or law enforcement authorities conducting an investigation

When The Achievement Company B.V discloses your personal information

9. I will disclose personal information to the following recipients:

  • subcontractors and service providers who assist  The Achievement Company B.V in connection in providing its services, in particular: website hosting provider which is located in The Netherlands; Survey Data provider which is located in the US; and service providers who I use to provide diagnostic services which are located in the Netherlands and UK; other coaches, consultants, trainers I work with to deliver my services who are located in the Netherlands and UK
  • my professional advisers (lawyers, accountants, financial advisers,  etc.) which are located in the Netherlands
  • regulators and government authorities in connection with compliance procedures and obligations
  • a third party to respond to requests relating to a criminal investigation or alleged or suspected illegal activity
  • a third party in order to enforce or defend  The Achievement Company B.V rights, or to address financial or reputational risks
  • other recipients where I am authorized or required by law to do so.

Where The Achievement Company B.V stores and/or transfers your personal information

10.  The Achievement Company B.V is based in The Netherlands so your data will be mainly processed locally in the Netherlands. Some of the recipients I have mentioned in section 9 above, and to whom I disclose your personal information, are based outside the Netherlands in places like the UK, and US. I do this based on your consent to this policy. To protect your information, I take care where possible to work with subcontractors and service providers who I believe maintain an acceptable standard of data security compliance.

How long The Achievement Company B.V keeps your personal information

11. I retain your personal information for as long as is necessary to provide the services to you and others, and to comply with legal obligations.
12. In line with the Dutch regulations, I need to keep my administration for seven years. This means that a copy of contracts and invoices I send you will stay in my system for seven years. Probably longer, since it’s a part of my business administration paperwork.
13. If requested by you, I delete all my notes and working documents after a coaching process or assessment center is finished.

How The Achievement Company B.V keeps your personal information secure

14. I store personal information on locally on secured hard drives, and occasionally hard copy files that are kept in a secure location in the Netherlands. Personal information that I store or transmit is protected by security and access controls, including username and password authentication and data encryption where appropriate.

How you can access your personal information

15. You have the right to make a request to receive the personal information I hold about you and to request corrections of any errors in that data. To make an access or correction request, please contact me per email.
16. You can also request to delete your personal information. Due to Dutch regulations, I need to keep some information for a certain amount of time (see #11).

What about cookies and web analytics

17. The Achievement Company website doesn’t use cookies.
18. My website is hosted with Hostnet B.V in the Netherlands. The information you enter through my website lives, within my sites database, on their servers in the Netherlands. The host also automatically collects and saves information in so-called server log files, which your browser automatically transmits. These are:

  • IP address
  • Browser
  • Operating system
  • Referrer URL
  • Country
  • Time of server request
  • Pages visited
  • Duration of visit
  • Downloads

This data cannot be attributed to specific people. This data is not merged with other data sources. The Achievement Company reserves the right to check these data at a later date, if I am aware of any concrete indications for unlawful use.

Do you have questions regarding compliance with privacy legislation?

19. If you feel that my compliance with privacy legislation is not correct, please let me know so I can resolve it. If you have questions following my response, you have every right to complain, the official body to do so in The Netherlands is the “Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens”.